Can Cats Eat Dates? Surprising Facts You Should Know

If you’re a pet owner, you’ve likely found yourself wondering if your cat can share some of your favorite foods. Dates, those sticky and sweet fruits we love, may seem like a harmless snack to give your feline friend. But, can cats eat dates

While dates aren’t toxic to cats, they’re far from ideal. Cats and dates don’t mix well due to the nutritional needs of felines, who are obligate carnivores. 

In this article, we’ll discuss weather dates should be part of your cat’s diet and discover surprising facts you might not know about cats and dates.

Can Cats Eat Dates?

The simple answer is yes, cats can technically eat dates, but it’s not recommended. Cats have very different dietary needs compared to humans. They are obligate carnivores, meaning their bodies are designed to thrive on a diet primarily made up of animal protein. Dates, which are high in sugar content, fiber, and calories, don’t offer the right balance of nutrients for a feline’s health.

  • Sugar content in dates is high, and this poses a problem for cats. Cats lack taste receptors for sweetness, so while they can eat sugary foods, they don’t experience sweetness the way we do. This means they don’t benefit from the sugar in dates, which can lead to unnecessary calorie consumption and weight gain.
cats can technically eat date

  • The sticky nature of dates can cause problems like dental issues in cats. The sugar in dates can stick to their teeth, leading to decay, especially in cats that already have poor dental hygiene.
  • Dates are a high-calorie fruit, and even a small amount can lead to excessive calorie intake, contributing to cat obesity risk from dates. Feline weight management is crucial to their overall health, and dates do more harm than good when it comes to managing a cat’s weight.

What is an Obligate Carnivore?

Cats are classified as obligate carnivores, which means they rely on a diet of meat to meet their nutritional needs. Unlike omnivores like humans or dogs, cats do not have the ability to properly digest plant-based foods. Their digestive systems are specifically designed to process and absorb nutrients from meat.

While some fruits and vegetables can be safely consumed by cats in small amounts, their bodies don’t require them. In fact, their lack of amylase (an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates) makes it difficult for them to digest high-sugar fruits like dates.

Obligate carnivores also require essential nutrients, such as taurine, arachidonic acid, and vitamins A and D, which are found in animal tissues. Therefore, feeding your cat sugary, high-calorie snacks like dates takes up space in their diet that should be reserved for nutrient-rich, protein-packed foods.

My Cat Ate a Date, Is That Bad?

If your cat accidentally eats a date, it’s not the end of the world. Dates are not toxic to cats, but you should monitor your pet for any adverse effects. Small quantities of dates are unlikely to cause serious harm, but if your cat consumes too much, it may lead to digestive upset or other issues.

symptom when your cat eat too much dates

Some signs to watch out for include:

  • Diarrhea or loose stools
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Changes in appetite

If any of these symptoms appear after your cat eats a date, it’s best to consult a veterinarian. While a small piece here and there may not cause immediate harm, long-term consumption of dates can contribute to digestive problems in cats and other health issues due to their high sugar content.

Health Effects of Dates on Cats

Laxative Qualities

One of the lesser-known facts about dates is their laxative effects. Dates are a high-fiber food, and while this fiber can act as a natural laxative in humans, it may upset a cat’s digestive system. Cats don’t need a lot of fiber in their diet, so consuming too much can cause diarrhea and other digestive issues. This laxative effect could also lead to dehydration if your cat has prolonged diarrhea.

Dental Concerns

Dates are notorious for sticking to teeth, and the sugar content can contribute to dental issues in cats. Cats aren’t typically prone to cavities like humans, but they can suffer from feline dental care concerns such as plaque build-up, gum disease, and tooth decay. Feeding your cat sticky foods like dates increases their risk of developing these issues.

Regular dental care, such as brushing your cat’s teeth or offering cat-friendly snacks that help clean teeth, can help maintain their oral health. But dates don’t belong on that list of safe treats for cats.

Choking Hazard

Due to their size and texture, dates can pose a choking hazard for cats. The sticky foods can become lodged in their throat or digestive tract, especially if they’re not chewed thoroughly. Even if you remove the pit, which is a significant choking hazard on its own, the flesh of the date can still be difficult for cats to eat safely.

Choking hazards for pets, particularly when offering human foods, should always be taken seriously. It’s best to avoid giving your cat anything that could potentially block their airway.

Calorie Count

Dates are packed with calories. Just a single date contains roughly 66 calories, which is a lot for a cat. Considering that the average cat only needs about 200-300 calories a day, even a small piece of date can tip their calorie intake over the edge.

Feline weight management is crucial for their overall health. Excess calories can lead to obesity, which brings with it a host of other health problems like diabetes, joint issues, and a shortened lifespan. For this reason, high-calorie cat treats like dates are best avoided.

Cats Don’t Have Sweet Receptors in Their Tongue

Cats are one of the few mammals that can’t taste sweetness. They lack sweet taste receptors on their tongues, so they don’t enjoy sugary foods in the same way humans do. While dates may seem like a delicious treat to us, your cat is indifferent to the sugar content in dates.

What Fruit Can Cats Eat?

While dates may not be the best option for your feline friend, there are other fruits that are safer for cats to eat in moderation. Some safe treats for cats include:

FruitBenefitsFeeding Tips
BlueberriesHigh in antioxidants and fiberFeed in small amounts
ApplesContains vitamins A and C (remove seeds)Cut into small, bite-sized pieces
WatermelonHydrating and low in caloriesRemove seeds and rind
BananasRich in potassium (good in moderation)Cut into small slices

These fruits are not a substitute for a balanced cat nutrition and diet, but they can be offered occasionally as healthy snacks for cats. Always introduce new foods gradually and consult your vet if you’re unsure.

What Foods Do Cats Love?

Cats primarily love meat. Their diet should consist mainly of high-quality protein sources, such as:

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish (in moderation)
  • Beef

These are the foundation of a healthy feline diet. Cats may also enjoy some safe treats, like store-bought cat snacks designed to meet their nutritional needs. But when it comes to human foods, it’s essential to ensure that they are both cat-friendly snacks and beneficial for their health.

Can Cats Eat Medjool

Medjool dates, like other types of dates, are not ideal for cats. While they are larger and contain even more sugar than regular dates, the issues associated with feeding dates to cats remain the same. 

Medjool dates can lead to potential dental issues in cats and may cause digestive upset due to their high fiber content. If your cat has a sweet tooth, consider safer alternatives.

What Are Some Good Alternatives?

If you’re looking for safe treats for your cat, consider options that align more closely with their dietary needs. Here are some cat-friendly snacks you might want to try:

  • Commercial cat treats: Choose high-quality treats designed for feline health, which often include proteins and other beneficial ingredients.
  • Cooked meats: Plain, cooked chicken or turkey without seasoning can be a great source of protein.
  • Fish: Offering fish like salmon or tuna in moderation can be a treat that many cats enjoy.
  • Vegetables: Some cats may enjoy small amounts of cooked carrots or peas, but always introduce new foods gradually and observe for any adverse reactions.

These alternatives provide a much healthier snack option while ensuring your cat remains within their dietary needs.


  • Can cats eat dates? Not recommended.
  • Monitor your cat’s health and consult a veterinarian for any concerns.
  • Stick to safe treats for cats that align with their nutritional requirements.

By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can ensure that your cat enjoys treats that are not only tasty but also safe and healthy!


Feeding your cat high-sugar foods like dates might seem harmless, but it can lead to various health issues over time. Cats are obligate carnivores, and their bodies thrive on protein-rich diets. When it comes to treating your furry friend, always prioritize their health and well-being by sticking to veterinary-approved snacks.

While it can be tempting to share your favorite foods with your pet, it’s essential to remember that not all human foods are safe for cats. By understanding the implications of feeding dates and similar foods, you can make better choices for your cat’s health. 


Can Kittens Eat Dates?

No, kittens and dates are not a good match. Kittens have delicate digestive systems, and their diet should consist mainly of their mother’s milk or kitten-formulated food. High-fiber, sugary fruits like dates can upset their digestion.

Can cats eat dates?

No, it’s not a good idea to feed your cat dates. While they aren’t toxic, dates are high in sugar and can lead to health issues like dental problems and digestive upset.

What should I do if my cat eats a date by accident?

If your cat accidentally eats a date, just keep an eye on them. Look for any signs of discomfort, like vomiting or diarrhea. If you notice anything concerning, contact your vet for advice.

Are there any safe fruits for cats to eat?

Yes! Some safe fruits for cats include small amounts of blueberries, watermelon (without seeds), and cantaloupe. Always introduce new foods slowly and watch for any reactions.

Why do some cats like dates?

Even though cats can’t taste sweetness, some may still enjoy the texture of dates. However, it’s best not to give them this treat since it can cause health problems.

What are some good snacks for my cat?

Instead of dates, consider offering your cat commercial cat treats, plain cooked chicken, or small amounts of fish like tuna. These options are much healthier and better for their diet!

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